March 9, 2025

WAFF Firefighters Combat Challenge 2022

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Stanwood Highschool and Camano Island Fire Cadets


Sam Down, Brady Moore, Skylar Moya and Marion Monroe

What an awesome weekend! I had the privilege of watching my son Sam Down, and his team mates Brady Moore, Skylar Moya and Marion Monroe kick some butt in the 2022 Annual Firefighters Combat Challenge.

They came in second over all!

I can't say enough about this excellent program that Stanwood High School and the Camano Island Fire Department put together. It literally changed my sons life and set him on a course that will shape his future. The excitement and enthusiasm he has on a daily basis is something to be jealous of, I wish I had half the passion he has for my job.

Learn more:

Camano Island Fire and Rescue is part of the Stanwood High School cadet firefighter program.

The program is held jointly through the Stanwood-Camano School District and CIFR. Department firefighters also volunteer their time for the training, working closely with the students, many of whom go onto firefighting careers.

To learn more about the cadet firefighter program, please contact Stanwood High School Career & Technical Education (CTE) Director Ross Short – [email protected]

Camano Island Cadet Program:

WAFF Firefighters Combat Challenge 2022 2ND PLACE

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